It has been quite a journey since the onset of COVID-19. An invisible threat that has changed our lives significantly. Thankfully, we had telephones, video chat, and facetime options during that time that helped tremendously. We appreciate your cooperation and patience in the last several months.  Although the mask mandate has relaxed there are still visitation restrictions in Senior care settings per  the State of Colorado governor’s office and the Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE).  As always we closely monitor changes for the county and state rules to ensure we are always doing what is best for our residents, families and staff.


When Arriving for Your Visit

  • All visitors must wear a cloth or surgical face mask at all times during the visit when in common areas and hallways.
      • We request visitors bring their own face masks to the visit.
  • You will be required to complete the COVID-19 visitor screening form  and have your  temperature taken.
      • Visitors with COVID-19 symptoms, with a positive COVID-19 test in the previous 14 days, had exposure to anyone who has tested positive for or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or that decline to follow criteria for visiting will not be permitted to visit inside the building.
  • We will provide you with the education on hand hygiene and COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If the resident is unvaccinated and currently under quarantine we will provide education on social distancing and and personal protective equipment prior to your entering the visitation site.


Vaccinated visitors

  • You will be required to provide proof of vaccination either by presenting a card or a photo of a card every time you visit.
  • If you do not provide proof of vaccination we will proceed as if you are an unvaccinated visitor (see below).
  • Vaccinated visitors do not require escorts through the hallways but should go directly to the visit site without stopping to visit with other residents along the way.  We currently are unable to have gatherings or visitation in our  common areas for any visitors.

Unvaccinated visitors

  • If you are unvaccinated you must wear a mask during the entire visit.
  • You are required to be escorted from entrance to resident room on arrival and departure.  We currently are unable to have gatherings or visitation in our  common areas for any visitors.
  • You are not allowed to eat or drink during your visit.
  •  We ask that you notify staff that your visit is ending by using the call-light system or calling the front desk for you escort to arrive.

After  Your Visit

  • We request that all visitors notify us if they develop fever, symptoms consistent with or diagnosed with COVID-19 in the 14 days following visitation.


For the protection of all Grace Pointe resident and staff, visitors found to be noncompliant with facility policy will be asked to leave immediately and the ability to visit will be terminated. 

Updated 6/18/2021

